UAE and Middle East

We assist our clients with Austrian residence permits "gainful employment excepted" and no work permit is linked with that kind of residence permit in Austria. Clients must settle their living costs in Austria from foreign income or bank savings. For each renewal, the requested amount of bank savings must be shown and can be used between renewals to cover living costs in Austria.

After 5 years a permanent residence permit-EC can be applied (there are stay requirements and German on B1 level is necessary) and clients have full access to the Austrian labor market and social welfare system thereafter. Furthermore, a permanent residence permit-EC enables our clients to take up residence in other European countries as well.

The earliest possible date to submit the application for this kind of residence permit is the beginning of January of each year and there is a limited number of places available for each year. We recommend our clients to start the preparation of the application not later than 3 months before the upcoming January of the subsequent application year.

More specifically, clients who intend to apply for an Austrian RP "gainful employment excepted" (without work permit)
• must either dispose of a University degree (bachelor) which is accredited in Austria, or alternatively
• dispose of German language skills on A1 level (e.g. Goethe Institute), and
• must dispose of about EUR 50,000 (precise amount depends on the family size) on a bank account in liquid assets.

Clients moreover, need to rent an apartment and require medical insurance coverage in Austria.

We assist our clients on a 100% success fee for this kind of residence permit. Regarding more information about our legal fees, we are available for a consultation and we are also available for a personal meeting at any time.

For more information please contact us or call us under 0043 1 93084 3001 (we are able to advise clients in Arab, English and German).
Shiva Ghahremani, LL.M
Partner - Associate

Herrengasse 1-3
1010 - Vienna

Tel: 0043 1 93084 3001
Fax: 0043 1 93084 1101
Meet us in HONKGONG
at the UGLOBAL Immigration Expo: (details upon request)